Making a bottle for my baby is SO easy…. all I have to do is, get the formula tub out, find that tiny scoop that comes with it… where is that thing? Ah, it was buried in the formula. Okay, got it. Now… how much is my baby going to eat this time? 2oz? 4 oz? I don’t want to waste it. Okay, lets try 2 oz… but then, if she wants more, I have to make ANOTHER bottle and she’s going to cry her head off waiting. Okay, 4 oz. Alright now, I have to put 4 oz of water in first, and THEN put the powder in… right? Okay, do I heat the water first? Or after I add the powder? Can I use a microwave, or do I have to use a bottle warmer like I do for breast milk? How long do I heat it? I don’t want it to be too hot. Ugh, there has to be a better way!! (Meantimes, my baby is losing her s#!t)!
Well, good news mamas, there IS a better way and after having to supplement with all 3 of my kiddos, I happen to think the Baby Brezza Formula Pro is the greatest invention ever when it comes to making formula bottles for the following reasons:
#1 – Saves Time
When your baby starts crying because he is hungry, the faster you can get a bottle in his mouth, the better, because… let’s face it – as cute and lovable as your adorable creature is, there is NOTHING that grates on a sleep deprived, slightly overwhelmed parent’s nerves like a baby’s incessant crying. So, being able to literally push a button and have a ready-to-go bottle almost instantly, is like hearing harps play or angels sing instead. And yes, it is that easy:
Once you set up your Formula Pro by putting water in the reservoir, your choice of formula in the top, and setting it to dispense according to your selected formula’s specifications (click here to find out your settings)… all you have to do after that is choose the amount you want, and press “start.” Then, it automagically heats, mixes, and dispenses the formula “to the perfect temperature and consistency” according to the manufacturer. BOOM.
#2 – Saves Money
Now, I’m not gonna lie… this little time saver and convenience maker is a bit pricey. Depending on where you get it, it could run you close to $200, BUT hear me out as to why it could save you money. With the newest version of the Formula Pro, you can choose how much formula you want to make from 1oz all the way to 10oz all at the touch of a button and ready in seconds. SO, instead of guessing how much your baby is going to drink and then pouring half of it down the drain when you guessed wrong (ugh!), you can choose a lesser amount and keep coming back for more (maybe even 1oz at at time more) so you’re wasting less! So now, you’re buying less formula than before, and we all know… it ain’t cheap.
Now, just as an FYI… I have the older version of the Formula Pro, and after 3 kiddos (well, technically 4 because I loaned it to a friend for their baby, too) it is STILL going strong and one of my most used items. So, if you find one of the older versions… it may not have all the bells and whistles that the new one has, BUT it’s still pretty darn convenient, works well, and could last through several kiddos (another money saver)!
#3 Saves your Sanity
Yes, the beginning of this article is a BIT dramatic when it comes to mixing your own bottle of formula, but it can definitely feel that way when you’re doing it OVER and OVER and OVER again and needing it FAST. Plus, each formula brand and type has different specifications for how much water to formula to mix, microwaves can cause “hot spots” in bottles, and bottle warmers can be tricky sometimes, too, or at the very least take a while – and it’s SUPER important you don’t get it wrong.
Everyone has different reasons for having to supplement, from just not producing enough breastmilk (that’s me) to needing to go back to work, or having a caregiver or partner be able to help out. Regardless, being a new parent (whether it’s your first baby or your 5th) means losing your sanity to a variety of factors from sleep loss, to stress, to relationship changes, to changes in routine, to body image issues, and the list goes on and on. So, trying to make it easier on ourselves should be something we try to do when we can.
That being said – the newest version of the Baby Brezza Formula Pro helps you out by allowing SO many customizations to fit your needs, making it easy, (and keeping you sane), including:
- 3 different temperature settings (Room temp., Body temp, or Warmer than body temp.)
- 1 oz incremental dispensing up to 10 oz
- The choice of water only or formula only (because, say you have a friend over and they need some warm water for their own formula, you can even choose WATER ONLY and have perfectly warmed water ready to go! WHAT?! I know!)
- An adjustable tray to fit different size bottles
- Your choice of formula since it works with almost all formula brands and types! Just find yours on their website here and adjust your settings!
Overall, I’d give the Baby Brezza Formula Pro a 10 out of 10 on my “Greatest Invention Ever” scale. It’s convenient, compact, easy to use, doesn’t look too bad on your kitchen counter, actually, and several friends that I’ve either loaned mine to or purchased one for them (on their registry or not) has said over and over what a life saver it was. So, don’t keep this one to yourself – share with a friend! Because if bringing home baby could be made even a little easier… DO IT!
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