Gift Guide for Babies


For babies 0-3 months

Finding age appropriate toys for your kids is a constant guessing game with the same important questions:

  1. Will they like it/play with it enough (aka will it keep them occupied long enough for me to have AT LEAST one cup of coffee)?
  2. Will it help them learn or grow socially, intellectually, and/or in maturation?
  3. How annoying will this toy be for me (because if I hear that sound one. more. time. I swear…)?
  4. Will it grow with them? Is this something they can play together with siblings?

Well, here are some tried and true toys that I’ve used with my 2 boys (now ages 4 years and 3 years) AND their baby sister (currently 4 months) that have positively answered all of these questions!

Ages 0-3 Months = Noise, Lights, Safety

At this age, there isn’t as much interaction because though they can see everything, their brain is still learning to process all that information (not to mention they’re working on coordinating even moving their eyes at the same time). According to this article, it’s hard for them to distinguish between similar tones, too, which is why for the first few months babies prefer “black-and-white or high-contrast patterns” and then slowly move into “a preference for bright primary colors and more detailed and complicated designs.”

Studies have shown that baby’s favorite things are faces, so the best thing for the first couple of months is just to be in your little ones face… literally, while talking, smiling, making faces, and more! In fact, a Boppy Newborn Lounger like this one is the perfect spot for your newborn to hang out and see your face. But, need to shower, unload the dishwasher or throw that load of laundry in? Or can’t think of ways to interact with them (because they can’t really DO much at this point)? There are some things to keep them occupied, and here are some toys or gadgets that I found useful during these first months and beyond:

  1. A swing is most likely going to be your best friend for a while. Babies aren’t used to being still (think about how much movement they experienced while being in your belly!) so those movements are soothing to them. That, plus some vibration and maybe even some white noise = bliss. We got one like this because it doubles as a bouncer seat so I could take the baby with me to the next room if I wanted:

  1. Tiny babes aren’t really able to grab too much yet, so things hanging above them will at least give them something to focus on, practice coordinating their eye movement, and maybe even develop some more depth perception! Here are some options that my kiddos liked and have different attaching and entertaining functions


  1. Something soft, easy to take with, and good for introducing books nice and early (which is important for their language and even emotional development) is a “crunchy book” (also good for when they start to grasp) and they have lots of fun options with Jellycat OR some high contrast options, too:

  1. Once they start moving their hands a little more and kicking those tiny feet (SO adorable), they might enjoy this activity center more so than the ones that only have the hanging toys overhead:

  1. Board books are always a good idea and you can start reading to them now! My first son LOVED this book really early on and it’s still a fav today. I think its because of the simple drawings and bright colors, but you be the judge. Either way, it’s a classic and great to have in your library:

Hope these are as successful of gifts for you as they have been for me! More ages, stages, and phases to come!

How-to: Create Cloud Lamps for your Nursery


Let’s face it – decorating the nursery is more for us than the baby (is he/she really going to notice anyway?) but it’s just so fun AND it is said that it helps us prepare for our new bundle of joy’s arrival. So, put on your nesting face because we’re going to create some super fun clouds for a soft glow in your next nursery or kid’s room!

First, I will say this really isn’t that difficult, however it does take a little finesse and some kid-free space for an hour or so. Trust, me… every kid on the planet just can’t WAIT to rip open that bag of fluff and spread it everywhere, eat it, put it on their pets, etc. So, keeping it out of reach is probably your best bet. Your welcome.


Okay. To start, you’re going to need some supplies. Most can be found at your local craft store, but who has the time (or patience)? So, here are some links to get everything you need from Amazon and it is EXACTLY what I used (and if you have Prime = free shipping, most are cheaper than at JoAnns anyway).

  1. Paper Lanterns (I would get 2 of these so you can mix and match sizes – you may have some leftover but they’re great by themselves for party decorations, too!)
  2. Poly-fil Stuffing or Fluff (I would get 2 or 3 for the amount of clouds that I did)
  3. Hot glue gun and LOTS of hot glue sticks (I mean it, like… a LOT)
  4. LED “fairy” lights (they don’t emit heat so they’re safer than regular clear Christmas lights)

Click here for battery operated and work via remote control (if you don’t want wires from lamp to lamp and/or from lamp to a power source). It’s also a 3 pack (or you can purchase singles or a 6 pack) so you can make at least 3 clouds.

Click here if you’d rather plug them in (say, you have a bookcase that will hide the cord and you want to just be able to turn them on with a switch)- then these are your best best. They’re super long, so you’ll get lots of light and/or lots of clouds:

  1. Command Strips and/or Fishing Line

To put the clouds up in your nursery, you can either attach them to the wall (like I did) or hang them from the ceiling.

  • Command strips are a great way to attach to a wall without creating holes or other damage (and it’s easier to move them around while you’re trying to figure out the best configuration).

I used these two versions:

Small Hooks

Large Hooks

  • The fishing line will also need something to attach to (again, command strips could work, but these are probably better for the job) OR you could screw in a hook like this one. **NOTE – your paper lanterns will come with some fishing line included, but it may not be strong enough to hold a bigger cloud and/or may not be long enough to hang them as low as you’d like. You can always see how much they provide first though and then decide!**


Step 1: PREP

– Assemble your paper lanterns with the supplies provided

– Heat up your hot glue gun and have plenty of extra sticks nearby. I found that the hottest setting worked the best/easiest, but BE CAREFUL – it is HOT and not entirely pleasant to accidentally get on your fingers. I would also suggest having a paper plate or piece of cardboard to place it on when not in use as the glue tends to drip.

– Open up your bag(s) of fluff and have it easily accessible

– Open your fairy lights and put any batteries that you need in them. Make sure they work!


– Decide how many clouds you would like and how big or what shape you’d like them to be. I used:

  • Largest cloud = 1 – 9.5″ lantern, 1 – 8″ lantern, and 1 – 6″ lantern with the largest lantern in the middle
  • Medium cloud = 1 – 8″ lantern and 1 – 6″ lantern
  • Small cloud = 1 – 8″ lantern

– Glue the lamps together, making sure that the top/bottom openings are lined up in the same direction. Use PLENTY of glue and hold them together for a good amount of time (BE CAREFUL if reaching inside to try and push them together better – the glue is VERY hot in the beginning). Make sure the glue has set before moving to the next step (usually about 5 minutes or so).


– Now, the “fun” part. You’re just going to put a crap-ton of glue on a small-ish section of the lanterns, to cover as much area as you can without the glue drying, and then grab a handful of fluff and stick it on (again, be CAREFUL that you don’t push down too far because that glue is HOT). There’s really no rhyme or reason to this part, you just don’t want to make it TOO thick, otherwise it may be too heavy and droop down or fall off. You’ll figure it out, and you can always rip it off and re-glue as needed. Keep going until your entire cloud is covered.

– For the bottom hole = use a big/long enough piece to cover over the hole and glue to the other side. Only completely cover one hole so you can put your lights in and attach with the other hole.

– Check your work. After you initially glue all the fluff on, you’re going to find “holes” or places where the fluff isn’t sticking as well as you’d like. Totally normal. Just gently lift the edges that aren’t gluing down, and, you guessed it, put a bunch more glue in there and stick it back down. Just try to lift it enough so you don’t see your glue disaster from the outside.

– Once it all seems pretty secure, cooled, and set, you’re just going to fluff your fluff by moving it around gently until it looks pretty uniform and/or cloud-like and there aren’t any major holes or super thick spots.

Step 4: LIGHT ‘EM UP

– Using your LED fairy lights, unravel or stretch them out slightly so you can somewhat evenly distribute them into each lantern. Put the lights into the top hole (the one that you didn’t completely cover up) and then string a small section to the next lantern to put lights into it, too (try to hide this connection by pushing it down into the fluff a bit), until you have lights in all the lanterns for that cloud. The battery pack (for the non-plug in version) will remain on the outside and either hook to the lantern’s wire or hang by it’s own command strip. If you chose to plug them in, make sure you either have enough room to reach your outlet or a secured extension cord that isn’t anywhere it can become a choking hazard.

Step 5: HANG ‘EM UP

– Using command strips, I simply started with the biggest part of the cloud, or the center, and hooked into the wire part of the lantern with my command strip ready and sticky, and then just pushed and held wherever I thought it should go. Then, I did the same for any other sections so that each lantern had it’s own command strip holding it up (I didn’t 100% trust that the glue would hold ALL the sections up with just one section connected to the wall). I also used a separate command strip hook somewhere behind the cloud and hung the battery pack onto it separately, just to ensure it wouldn’t fall through, or something. **The remote should work through the cloud to turn it on and off, but make sure to test it so you can place it in the optimum spot**

– As mentioned before, if you’d rather have clouds floating throughout your room vs. on the wall… you can either use a command hook like these or a ceiling hook like these and then attach with fishing line!


Admire your beautiful work. You’re so crafty. I knew you could do it. 😉

**Additional Notes**

– If you want to be really fancy, you could hang ribbons, crystals, or string some of the lights through the bottom for a sort of “rain” effect coming out of your clouds.

– Each light set will come with it’s own remote (if you purchase the ones from the link) but one remote will work for all 3 – you may just have to point it at each cloud directly as they might not all come on at the same time, especially if they’re spaced far apart. My advise, keep the extra remotes. Kids LOVE remotes and you’re bound to lose one… or two.


  1. Again, I advise only using LED lights for these clouds as other lights may produce heat and could cause a fire hazard.
  2. PLACE OUT OF REACH. NEVER place anything with cords somewhere that a child could reach them or pull them into their crib. They could get tangled and strangle to death.

**DISCLAIMER – This DIY is for novice instructional purposes only and should only be used as information by capable adults. The end result may vary and the end user assumes all responsibility for any fire, fall, trip, choke, or other hazards**

Why It’s Okay To Feed Your Baby Formula

As the entire uncivilized world, and now most of the civilized world, knows, breast feeding and breast milk are some of the best things for your baby. It provides health benefits for both mom and baby, financial benefits (it’s free, people!), and incomparable bonding. However, what do you do when the milk runs dry or you’re not producing enough? If your baby won’t latch? Or you have to go back to work and pumping just isn’t an option?

Forumla Fed (Text Insert) 1.1First, take a deep breath, understand that you’re not a failure or less of a woman or mother, and forgive yourself. It’s okay – this is more common than you probably realize, mostly because women don’t usually go around talking about their breastfeeding journeys (at least, I never heard one until AFTER I was having issues).

In fact, you may be surprised to learn that you, a sibling, or a friend wasn’t breast-fed! At all! What?! For shame!! No, it just wasn’t popular, “normal,” or as highly recommended years ago as it is now. I was SHOCKED to learn that my mom only breast fed my sister and I for a short while, and my mother-in-law had 3 entirely different journeys with each of her children (including breastfeeding for 1 month with one child, 9 months with another, and not at all with another!), and they’re all perfectly healthy, intelligent, and highly functioning members of society! WHAT?! So, no, feeding your baby formula won’t scar your child for life… at least, I haven’t seen any research on that.

Forumla Fed (Text Insert) 2.1

Second, you may feel bombarded by the breastfeeding Nazis of the world – it gets pushed from every angle. All the books, the hospitals, the videos, the support groups, and everything else! I’m not bashing these people as research clearly shows that breast milk is amazing for your baby. But, you know what is even more amazing for your baby? Eating. Growing. Or, otherwise surviving, and if it takes formula to get her there, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and NOTHING to be ashamed of. So, STOP IT non-boob shamers. Sometimes moms just have to make the hard decisions, so do what YOU think is best for YOUR baby.

Forumla Fed (Text Insert) 3.1


Here is my journey:

20160711_161635To start, I was worried that I wouldn’t even be able to breast feed due to a breast augmentation surgery that I had when I was 18… in South America. Yeah, decision making wasn’t my strong suite then, but I had almost zero breast tissue before and I wasn’t 100% sure how the surgery was even performed so… it was kind of a crap shoot on whether breast feeding would be a possibility for me.

So, I went in with an open mind and open heart about what would happen, and every day that I was able to breast feed, I was grateful. I even took the proper steps and had a breast feeding consultant come in literally minutes after my son was born to make sure I was doing everything to the best of my ability. I had follow up appointments to ensure everything was going well for weeks after, too.


But, it only took about 3 days to realize that I just wasn’t producing enough for my son. Despite my “whatever happens is fine” attitude before the baby arrived, once I realized I couldn’t give him what he needed, I was devastated. We ended up calling the hospital because my son just wouldn’t stop crying, and though the pediatrician had given me some formula, just in case, I was almost ashamed or afraid to give it to him. The nurse, however, assured us that formula was better than starving to death (good point) and to give it a try… he was immediately pacified and slept for 3 hours straight (which for a newborn, you know if you have one, is a LOT! Especially at night)!

The next day we had an appointment with the breastfeeding consultant and I was terrified to tell her what I had done. Again, I had fallen victim to the breastfeeding shamers – I felt like I HAD to exclusively breast feed or I was purposely putting my son in danger or something. Luckily, our consultant was amazing and reassured me that my son was getting all of the essentials from the breast milk I was providing (no matter how little) and formula is just to get him the fluids and calories he needed. *Sigh,* thank goodness! I felt so much better. She hooked me up with a Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) and I was able to breast feed my son, only using the bottle occasionally.


I had plans to keep going for at least 6 months, but my son was diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie… a what-a-what-now? Yeah, that’s what I thought when I first heard it too. It’s not life threatening, but it can cause some issues so we decided to have it corrected, which involved laser surgery on the underneath side of his tongue. Long story short, he wasn’t too keen on sucking hard from my breast any more and decided the lazier bottle option was preferred (how could I blame him?). Thus, my breastfeeding journey ended after a little over 2 months. Sadness.

It was definitely heartbreaking that my baby wouldn’t be getting all of the great benefits of breast milk any more, but luckily I had a great support system and I knew that I was doing what was best for my particular situation. Plus, I’m happy to report: my son is now 6 months old, he’s growing like crazy and is already in 9-12 month clothes, he has been hitting all of his milestones with no problems, has been sleeping through the night for months, and he’s about he happiest baby you’d ever meet!

Bottom line, don’t be ashamed of your journey, whatever it is. You have to do what is best for you and your baby and everyone’s situation is different. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, make you feel ashamed, afraid, or like less of a woman or mom. It’s a tough job, and there are LOTS of hard decisions ahead, but you’re doing great, momma! Keep up the good work!

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ALSO – Check back for an article about an AMAZING little gadget that is going to help BIG TIME if you’re formula feeding! Better yet, subscribe to make sure you know about it when it gets posted!

**The articles and information on this website are based on personal experiences only and are not intended to be medical advise. Contact your doctor for the most accurate information and advise for you and your baby**